In Response: Diversity and Depth Make OLR Worth The Money

Dan Riffero,

We at respect your opinions in your editorial column titled "Pay to play? Not for me." I think that the first article that you posted was OK, even though the title seemed a bit harsh. As you mentioned in your retraction, that this was an editorial. You definitely have the right to your opinion, and we didn't have a problem with anything that you mentioned. We are sorry that you caught some heat from FTRL, but I guess they are really passionate about their decision.

Our company is modeled very similar to what TEN used to be, except for our advanced features and membership pricing. We have heard many similar comments from Sim Racers in the past, but most people are unaware of what we really offer. We do not just host NASCAR 4 servers, but we host a total of six separate racing games. They are DTR, DTR/SC, Leadfoot, NASCAR Heat, and NASCAR 3. All of these games are absolutely FREE, and NASCAR 3 includes all of the same features as the premium version of NASCAR 4. Our customized database provides some of the most in depth features and stats around.

Some of the biggest drawbacks among all of the private servers available on the Internet are common Stats and Rankings, availability of quality servers 24/7, and League Administration and web site design. These are all reasons that was started and officially launched as a pay site on December 1st, 2001. We want to bring the Sim Racing community back to a centralized location, where drivers from different leagues can compare their stats against each other to see who really is the better driver. Just the expense and work of maintaining a server on their own gets very cumbersome after a while, and we want to do all of these services for the Sim Racers. Just the simplification of gathering race results and displaying points and provisionals can take hours of work each week. Our soon to be released League Admin Tool will be well worth the $5 for a year of Basic Membership, and I can't wait to run my league using this new feature.

We understand that some people simply want to race for FREE as a hobby, and we respect that. Users who do want more out of Sim Racing for a much cheaper fee than was once demanded by TEN. We also like to think that we have many more advanced features than TEN ever had. is not for everyone, but for the over 7,000 users that we currently have signed up, they have found a home. We hope that you will someday take the time to browse the site a bit. Until then, Good Luck in your racing adventures!

Matt Thomas
Marketing/Advertising, Inc.

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